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Student Spotlight

Name: Jalynn Somerville

Grade: 12th

State: Maryland

Mu Eta Sigma member since: 2022

Describe why you enjoy math: I enjoy math because it is a fascinating subject that helps me understand the inner workings of the world around me. As a naturally curious person, I am drawn to math because it provides answers to questions that may otherwise be unanswerable. Not only does it explain how things work, but also why they work the way they do.

Describe how you anticipate using math in your future: I am deeply passionate about math and plan to use it extensively in my future. I aspire to work as a mathematics professor at a university, where I can use my skills to teach and also conduct psychological research. By applying math to the field of psychology, I will help people better understand human behavior, and as a math professor, I will share my passion for math with my students. Through these opportunities, I hope to inspire and encourage others to develop an interest in math and grow to love the subject.

I have been involved in my community through the following service projects:  I have contributed to my community through various volunteer projects, such as SAT and math tutoring, helping build curricula for students with learning disabilities, volunteering to encourage people to vote, and reviewing casting decisions for educational resources that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion. I am passionate about making a positive impact on the lives of others and continuing to serve my community.

My favorite project was: volunteering as a math tutor because it allowed me to share my passion for math and help students understand the beauty and logic behind it. Seeing the students I tutored gain confidence in their abilities and begin to enjoy math was incredibly rewarding.

I have set the following goals for myself for the next:


  • 1 year: Graduate from high school with an Associate Degree in Social Science, maintain a 4.0 GPA, and receive a scholarship from one of my top choice schools


  • 5 years: Graduate with two Bachelor’s degrees in Psychology and Mathematics, begin graduate school, and start my journey as a researcher

My parents, brother, and aunt have inspired me to: pursue a career in a STEM field. Initially, I was hesitant about entering a field related to STEM. However, through their examples and support, they have encouraged me to pursue a degree in mathematics. Their support and guidance have been instrumental in helping me find my true calling and pursue my goals with confidence.

My favorite subject in school has been: Math

My favorite extra-curricular activity has been: Swimming

The most challenging thing I have ever experienced was: balancing all of my responsibilities as a full-time high school and college student, while also maintaining my extracurricular activities, volunteer work, paid work, social life, and making time to rest.

My greatest accomplishment to date has been: remaining dedicated to studying and earning a high score on the SAT. During the months that I spent studying, I was committed to not only reaching but exceeding my personal goals, and ultimately my hard work paid off and I'm incredibly proud of this accomplishment.

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